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A li'l pick-me-up

Now that the weather's gamely gone all pathetic fallacy on me, and since today's payday so I got to wave at my money as it whizzed through my account en route to savings and my Visa, I thought I'd do a spot of Internet window shopping to cheer myself up.

Exhibit A above: some of the new summer clobber from River Island. *LOVE* yellow for summer, in every shade from lemon to... er, whatever's at the other end of the yellow spectrum before mustard. These are all clothes that I would very happily wear to work (seriously don't understand the mentality of people who don't like to wear their "good" threads in work. Wierdos) or on a night out. Oooh and actually I have a RI credit note for about 30 quid burning a hole in my pocket at the minute so sure it would be rude not to get something, support the economy and all that! The leopard print detail on the yellow dress is fun without being OTT, I think, while the slightly sober grey dress is lifted by the stud detail around the waist which is bang on trend. The wedges are seriously great: walkable innable, chunky but not clumpy with crossover straps adding interest. (Because of course that's what you need to do with a yellow shoe, add more interest.) And the lickle broderie lantern skirt is just too cute.

Hmm. Maybe I could get in on this price negotiating thing that Dad is adamant is going on everywhere (listens to a lot of Joe Duffy, does my dad) and see if I can get the lot for €30!

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