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Trainer Britney Spears, Ona spares no sebya workout

Britney Spears does not spare himself in training - to shine on the red carpet
Recently, we rarely see Britney Spears in the stretched T-shirts, no underwear and harmful soda in hand, but more and more often - in top form and the sparkling snow-white smile. "Way to go, Brit!" - We want to support your favorite star, which turns out to be a really tight set about their health. And the secrets of her beauty programs shared with us a personal trainer Tony Martinez singer.

Tony, who worked on the figures Pink, Janet Jackson and the Jonas Brothers, said that the secret lies in the harmony of Britney's part of a balanced diet and train hard.

Thus, according to the coach, Spears prefers to eat five times a day in small portions - most of it "leans" on a salad with chicken, seasoned sauce of balsamic vinegar. But recently complained Brit:

diet gives me uneasy ... because I'm crazy about spaghetti, dessert, brownies and chocolate pechenya.Poleznaya food provides energy for Britney saturated workouts - star Tony meets four times a week. Martinez said:

Britney - a real athlete, she likes to feel the strength, and she does not spare herself during class at the gym.

I keep telling her enough to pretend that these exercises so simple. We like to compete with each other! While training are "aggressive" character (if we talk about the loads), the coach tends to dilute exercise fun games:

I like to dilute training in other sports, eg, basketball or baseball. In my classes we are always laughing and good-naturedly teasing each other. I wish that we not only worked on the body, but also having fun.

Britney herself is not so crazy about continuous self - but the star is aware of the importance of physical activity:

Like engage in fitness, on the other hand, I hate it. What to do, I has exchanged fourth decade, so now I have to work even harder on yourself.

Do not give up, Britney - we love your changes!

New Britney Spears - nice!
recently we often see Britney Spears in top form - in all senses

changes in the appearance of Britney especially like her boyfriend - David Lucado

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