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Skincare Sunday - Homemade Fruit Mask with Graydon Skincare Superfood Mask and Scrub!

Happy Skincare Sunday everyone! I love a good D.I.Y. mask - they are so much fun! And, this one I'm sharing today is perfect for Summer, because it is so fruity! 

Skincare Sunday - Homemade Fruit Mask with Graydon Skincare Superfood Mask and Scrub!

This Summer mask is great for your skin and body - you can honestly drink a smoothie of this mask as you wear it on your face! Skincare multi-tasking at it's finest! It features papayas and pineapples for their enzymes that remove dead skin cells and rejuvenate the skin and avocados for smoothing and calming the skin! 

Skincare Sunday - Homemade Fruit Mask with Graydon Skincare Superfood Mask and Scrub!

I learned about this fruit mask during a meeting with Graydon skincare (you can learn more about the brand and my experience with them here!) and they have a whole post with their recipe for the mask on their blog here - I have reinterpreted the recipe a little bit here! The best part about D.I.Y. masks is that the recipe can be adapted to suit your skin type! 

The base recipe is:
1/2 cup papaya
1/2 cup pineappe
1/2 avocado 

Add all the ingredients in to a blender with a little bit of water or a couple of ice cubes. You can add more ingredients based on your skincare needs - honey, yogurt, etc. Pour the majority of the mask in to a cup and enjoy! 

Skincare Sunday - Homemade Fruit Mask with Graydon Skincare Superfood Mask and Scrub!

You can also add a powder based mask to the mixture prior to applying it to the face - I went for a superfood mask as well to add in to mine! 

Graydon Superfood Mask ~ $39.00 CAN for 15 capsules (you can also try 5 capsules for $13.00 or 2 capsules for $6.00). If you're wondering how to get glowing skin this is the answer. Our Mask + Scrub is made with 15 outstanding superfoods, the synergy of which combine forces to gently but effectively exfoliate and brighten your face.

Unlike a typical powdered mask or scrub Graydon's is pre-portioned in single serve (vegetable derived) capsules which keep the superfoods inside super fresh (so they don't oxidize). 

This mask features 15 superfoods including glacial clay, white willow bark, shiitake mushroom, activated charcoal, licorice root, ground chia, cinnamon, and diatomaceous earth. This has so many superfoods - and one's I've never heard of; but, they explain the benefits of each ingredient on their page. 

If you are using this mask on it's own, just mix it with a creamy cleanser and leave on the skin for 5 - 15 minutes before rinsing off. To get the scrub benefit of it as well, make sure to rub in to the skin as you apply or as you rinse off. I love that this is such a versatile mask! 

Skincare Sunday - Homemade Fruit Mask with Graydon Skincare Superfood Mask and Scrub!

I added in the Graydon Superfood mask and mixed well - it's not the prettiest mask by any means; but, it probably has the most superfoods in a mask ever applied to my face! I did use a brush to apply it and stayed on my face pretty well considering it's texture. 

Skincare Sunday - Homemade Fruit Mask with Graydon Skincare Superfood Mask and Scrub!

For starters, this smoothie was delicious! I thought maybe the avocado might make it weird; but, it was delicious! 

And, as a mask this was great! Apply to the face and wear for at least 5 minutes; but, is beneficial for the skin to wear longer - I wore mine for about 20 minutes. It was soothing and cooling to wear! It didn't dry down and get tight on the skin. It also rinsed off fairly easily. My skin looked bright and refreshed after using this - I was pleasantly surprised with the results! 

This is perfect treat for a weekend morning for me - or if you have time during the week it would be a great way to start the day with a smoothie and a mask packed full of superfoods that are great for both the skin and the body! 

Skincare Sunday - Homemade Fruit Mask with Graydon Skincare Superfood Mask and Scrub!

What's your favorite D.I.Y. skincare? 

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