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Kiehl's Skin Rescuer Launch

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On Tuesday Kiehl’s very kindly invited me down to Selfridges for some champers and skincare for their very special new launch. Well I say invited me... it was a case of me needing so desperately to see the stunning Megan that I cheekily got on to Jen from Kiehl’s to see if she could squeeze in a little one. Thankfully she works wonders and I was on the guest list. Well you couldn’t deny me seeing this babe could you?

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Sorry Megan love, it was the other beauty we were actually all here to see though. Skin Rescuer.

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I had heard of Kiehl's before, or more accurately seen it, but truth be told, it was one of those brands I quickly dashed past, head down, eyes darting anywhere but the sales assistant. I’m sorry, Selfridges beauty hall scares me sometimes, I feel like they may judge my skin!

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However actually the whole team was so... well... normal. Kiehl’s was founded in 1851 by John Kiehl, a pharmacist. He started developing pharmaceutical products that didn’t just treat disease and illness but also good skin care and health. While his methods might not be to everyone’s taste nowadays- leaches anyone? The brand developed into a cosmetic firm as time went on. However what has remained is the pharmaceutical aspect- don’t just mask the skin care problem but prevent and treat it first. 

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Kiehl's only ever launch a product when there is a need for something, so when The American Institute of Stress published its statistics stating that stress levels were going through the roof, they decided it was time to develop a skin care product specifically for stressed skin. 

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Now stress is actually a subject close to my heart. I have suffered from stress for a long time, I take on too much sometimes, I am a bit of a control freak, and am very much a perfectionist. I must have the job done correctly. Needless to say I have done many all nighters, many extra jobs at work, and generally driven myself mad in order to succeed. While I may go about it the wrong way, I will always continue to strive for the best, and I don’t regret that. So if I’m not going to tone down my workaholic nature, I realise that maybe I can do something a little bit good for my skin, as boy does it show! Cracked skin around my eyes, chin and nose? Stress. Blotchy, vein-y cheeks? Stress. Heavy lines on my forehead? Oh its stress. 

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I also spied Lily Kitten, the fabulous winner of my Thomas Sabo competition.

So with this in mind, I cannot wait to try out this little wonder product. I have a big change coming up in my life, as I am very soon moving to London! So I predict high stress levels on the horizon. Let’s see if miracles do happen, and I will fill you in, oh don’t you worry. 

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Just before we left, my attention was captured by someone...

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Mr Bones! (Official title)

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I think we bonded over our sparkling conversation.
New beau perhaps? 

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