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31DC2013 Day 22; Devil's funky french

Day 22 is inspired by a song, and I started to think about what I wanted to do for today's challenge and then it struck me, there's a lot good songs about the devil, either in the group name or in the actual song title. I googled some and saw that no one of what I could find at least had made a funky french with the devil and therefore I decided to make a devil's funky french. Mine ended up looking like a cartoon and perhaps also would work for halloween. And yea, I've decided to link my songs to youtube in the end of this post if you're interested in which songs/artist I meant for this challenge. Last, but not least, this is also my contribution to Lelack's Nail Art Sunday. :)

hihi.. don't they look so sneaky? :D

Polishes used:
Jordana Pop Art - Black Mark
Sure Promise (red)
Nordic Cap - NP13


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